20/365 - Crybaby

The word "crybaby" handwritten in bold, wobbly and dripping font. The text is filled with distorted pink and off-white, in a mixed, liquidised effect. The background is dark pink.

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20/365 - CRYBABY

I’ve always been a crybaby.

If I’m sad, I cry… If I’m overwhelmed, I cry… If I’m angry, I cry… If I’m x, I cry… Repeat ad nauseam.

There’s no way of getting around it, I’m a crier. That’s all folks. Fin. The End… Yet, I don’t know when it happened, or if it’s always been this way, but for some reason those amongst us who are part of the frequent crier program have often been referred to as being a “crybaby” - and not with kindness.

There’s a supposed weakness to showing our emotions; specifically that crying is something only babies do, not adults. When in actuality, it’s incredibly important for our mental health and overall wellbeing that we don’t bottle up our emotions or feelings… Regardless of if we are more emotional, or cry more often, than our friends, family or peers.

At the end of the day, there’s nothing wrong with shedding tears, so let them flow… Then drink plenty of water and get a good nights sleep afterwards.


I also wanted to add a note on here to say that: this piece was a turning point for me artistically. There’s been a lot of experimenting with lettering styles in this project so far, and now I’m starting to find what I like, I’m venturing out in other ways.

Somewhere between this and my Non-Linear piece, I played around with Procreate’s settings, specifically the Liquify tool. A lot of my work is loose, wobbly and has a 70s style, so I feel this wavy, almost-tiger-stripes-like texture lends to that and will be showing up a bunch more in my work…!

❤ Sian

Sian ParkerBMBM 365, Digital Art