22/365 - You'll Find What's For You

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22/365 - You'll Find What's For You


Earlier this month I secured a job at one of my favourite places, and have begun working there three days a week! I'm enjoying learning the ropes and the challenge so far, however it does mean I have less time to work on my art…

However, however the income gained will allow me to do a lot of super exciting things! I will be able to fund the manufacture of physical pieces to pop on the shop, buy more art supplies for experimental projects, and begin prep for art fairs - something I would love to participate in next year.

So, whilst the art I share on here and through the Be Messy Be Magic channels may slow, and after a experiencing a hugely disheartening start to a different job last year, securing stability through a position I enjoy has confirmed to me that I'll find what's for me - and so will you.

❤ S

Sian ParkerBMBM 365, Digital Art