Peachtober 2022 - #18 Wing

Please do not share, repurpose or sell this or any pieces without permission. Please note that quality has been purposely decreased to avoid plagiarism and theft.


There’s comfort in knowing that we’re mostly all just winging it, and hoping for the best.

I ventured slightly outside of my usual colour palette with this one. One, because why not continue to use this challenge as a way to try new things? Two, complete happy accident. Three, 100% winging it and hoping for the best.

Let’s see what I can come up with next, eh?

❤ S

Peachtober is an October-based art challenge, created and hosted by Sydney-based illustrator and author, Sha'an d'Anthes. If you would like to get involved, click here to view 2022’s creative prompt list!

Sian Parker